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George Dyson: Women in Mathematics

Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar George Dyson will talk on "Women in Mathematics."

(At 7 p.m. in Hanson 102, Dyson will speak on the evolution of artificial intelligence.)

Description: "In early computing, women played a key role, now being recognized, but why is this so rare, especially in computer science (and engineering) today?

"My mother was a mathematician (logic, foundations of mathematics, group theory) who came to America in 1948 and followed a convoluted path, often dragging me along. “Women should not be encouraged to go into mathematics for any motive other than their own stubborn preference and curiosity,” she wrote in a letter of final instructions. A subject for debate."


Room 202

Olin Center for Educational Technology

733 35th St.
Rock Island, IL61201
United States

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