Career development tools for students

Online and virtual career development resources
The Career Development team is still here to provide comprehensive career education and professional development services even though campus is closed. Take advantage of our new online and virtual resources.
Viking Score
The Viking Score is a career-readiness program to support students through college and post-graduate life.
Students will learn to see connections between academic choices and personal interests, skills and work values. They also will reflect on how academic experiences translate into skills, and how contacts with faculty, alumni and employers create professional networks.
The Viking Score helps track experiences and the points awarded for those activities during a student's four years at Augustana. These activities enhance student understanding of an Augustana degree, the value of a liberal arts education and how it applies to career success. (Learn more)
Handshake for jobs and internships
Augustana uses Handshake, an online tool for students to find jobs and internships, and for more than 65,000 recruiters to find students. Students and alumni get postings that are specific to their job interests, major, and preferences.
• Students and alumni: Use your Augustana email address and password to log in and get started.
• Employers: Here are short, step-by-step instructions on using Handshake to recruit students

An internship is the practical application of the skills, knowledge and talents that students gain at Augustana or discover about themselves in a work or volunteer setting.
Internships at Augustana carry learning goals and objectives, plus an assessment at the conclusion of the internship. Internships may be part-time or full-time, paid or unpaid, for academic credit or non-credit.
• Learn more about specific types of internships
Career and graduate fairs
The college also participates in the virtual QC College Career Fair twice a year. Students are able to meet with employers and hiring organizations at virtual booths through one-on-one sessions and interviews and 30-minute group meetings.
Local and regional employers offering internships, apprenticeships, and part-time, and full-time positions in business, government, health care, manufacturing, non-profits, science, and social services are represented.
Career coaches
Coaches meet with students to talk about resumes, cover letters, interviewing, networking, job fairs, graduate school, internship and job search, and more.
Undecided on a major or field of study? Make an appointment to take a career assessment, talk about the different options and learn about tools to navigate the career world.
Career ambassadors
The Office of Career Development also employs highly trained students as career ambassadors to extend the mission of the office. Students can work with the ambassadors on starting a resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, or how to get started on the job/internship search.
Career ambassadors are available during the morning, afternoons, and nights for walk-in hours.
They also present programs in residence halls, as well as for clubs and organizations and represent Augustana at events and career fairs.