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Voice Seminar

Students participating in the Voice Seminar include Siena Oliveri, Cheyenne Powell, Dana Burhorn and Olivia Weismann, sopranos; Elliott Peterson, bass; Jared Pector and Trevor Lewandowski, tenors; and Zoë Haenisch, Amber Mraz and Cami Myers, mezzo sopranos.


Va’ godendo from Serse George    Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Siena Oliveri, soprano
Sheila Doak, piano

Che fiero costume    Giovanni Legrenzi (1626-1690)
Elliott Peterson, bass
Charles Schmidt, piano

Von Ewiger Liebe    Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Jared Pector, tenor
Sheila Doak, piano

Come l’allodolettta    Stefano Donaudy (1879-1925)
Cheyenne Powell, soprano
Sheila Doak, piano

My Life’s Delight    Roger Quilter (1877-1953)
Trevor Lewandowski, tenor
Sheila Doak, piano

Home from Beauty and the Beast    Alan Menken (b. 1949)
Zoë Haenisch, mezzo soprano
Michelle Crouch, piano

Calm from Ordinary Days    Adam Gwon
Amber Mraz, mezzo soprano
Sheila Doak, piano

She Used to Be Mine from Waitress: The Musical    Sara Bareilles (b. 1979)
Dana Burhorn, soprano
Michelle Crouch, piano

With Him from Love me Love me not    Joey Contreras (b. 1990)
Cami Myers, mezzo soprano
Sheila Doak, piano

Stone Cold    Demi Lovato (b. 1992)
Olivia Weismann, soprano
Sheila Doak, piano


Wallenberg Hall (second floor)

Denkmann Memorial Building

3520 7th Avenue
Rock Island, IL61201
United States

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