Planetarium and geology museum open house
Augustana College's John Deere Planetarium and Fryxell Geology Museum will be open to the public for an evening of stargazing and space shows. The planetarium, located at 820 38th Street, Rock Island, will be open from 8:30 p.m. until 10 p.m., with indoor and outdoor programs in the planetarium, observatory and geology museum. In the event of cloudy sky conditions, the indoor planetarium programs will still be offered.
This year's open house will feature views of the mountains and craters of the Earth' Moon from our telescopes. Also on display will be a quarter-ton piece of the Canyon Diablo meteorite and a planetarium show with images and information on the wonders of the night sky.
The Fryxell Geology Museum, which features one of the best collections of minerals and fossils in the Midwest, will also be open to the public. Highlights in the museum include a wall of glowing, fluorescent rocks, casts of a Tyrannosaurus rex skull, and a complete 22-foot long skeleton of Cryolophosaurus, a large crested carnivorous dinosaur discovered in Antarctica.
The observing areas are unheated, so dress appropriate to the weather. In the event of cloudy sky conditions, telescope views may not be possible, but the indoor programs will still be offered.
John Deere Planetarium and Carl Gamble Observatory
820 38th St.
Rock Island, IL61201
United States
Free; not required