Basketball Top 10
The atmosphere in the Carver Center during men's basketball games consistently is described as being one of the best. Here are some reasons why.
1. Student section
The Carver Crazies aren't called that just because it sounds good.
2. Cheerleaders
There's excitement on the court, even during timeouts.
3. Coach G
How long will the jacket stay on? Nobody knows.
4. Loyal fans
It's not just the student section that's full during the games.
5. Halftime entertainment
Let's be honest, you could never do this.
6. Carver Center
There's really no better place to watch a basketball game.
7. This lady
You'll never be able to shout louder than her. Never.
8. Vikettes
You wait until after they perform at halftime to hit the concession stand.
9. It's a family affair
Viking fans are one big family. Sometimes literally.
10. Of course, the players.
No explanation needed.