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College will not penalize applicants for peaceful protests

High school students around the nation have taken up the gun control debate in response to the Feb. 14 shooting in Parkland, Fla. Several walk-outs already have taken place and others are planned in the coming weeks.

Some school districts have threatened disciplinary action against high school students who participate in these demonstrations, which has many worried about their application status to college. 

The Augustana College Office of Admissions has released the following statement:

"Augustana College has long been a marketplace of ideas. We strongly believe that our campus community is at its best when we have students that are engaged and willing to confront the most important topics impacting society today.

"That also means we support peaceful demonstrations and encourage students to speak out about their beliefs without fear of retribution. This extends to our incoming students as well.

"Applicants' admission status will not be jeopardized for participating in peaceful demonstrations."


Ashleigh Johnston

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