Geifman Prize deadline is April 14
GENOCIDE: the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. Gr.: genos ‘race’ + Lat.: caedere ‘kill’ ”Genocide.”
In Nazi Germany in the 1940s, genocide became legal. The murder of millions of men, women, and children (Jews, Communists, political activists, LGBTQ, Roma, and persons with disabilities) was government policy.
To honor the victims of genocide and never forget the meaning of the Holocaust, the Center for the Study of Judaism and Jewish Culture holds the Geifman Prize in Holocaust Studies. This is an annual competition for Augustana students with awards up to $500, publication on Digital Commons, and public recognition.
A submission may take the form of an essay, research paper, poem, reflection, drama, film, photography, artwork, musical composition, or other creative expression. It is open to all students; past winners may submit new work.
Faculty members of the Center for the Study of Judaism and Jewish Culture serve as adjudicators.
The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m., Friday, April 14, 2023. For more information, contact Dr. Janina Ehrlich.
Need some ideas to get started? Think about connections to classes you’ve taken, your major/minor, your family’s background or ethnicity, your future profession, current politics, talk to a professor or past winner.
The center also maintains a list of past winners.