Set up your Wi-Fi connection remotely
If you have a device that has not yet been set up for Wi-Fi, we recommend doing so before you come on campus.
You can set up network access at home or anywhere that you have an internet connection. It will be one less thing to do at move-in.
Detailed instructions are available on the Augustana website at
Which network should I use?
AC1: For laptops (including Chromebooks), desktops, phones, and tablets.
AC2: For what we call "headless devices" (devices such as smart speakers, gaming consoles, e-ink tablets/readers). Note: AC2 does not have access to some network resources.
For questions or support ...
- Email Augustana's ITS Helpdesk
- Call the ITS Helpdesk at 309-794-7293
- Stop by ITS with your devices. The office is located on the first floor of Sorensen.