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Watch for student survey on March 17

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is for first-year and senior students. The survey is both simple and significant.

What does it mean for you? It means answering questions with yes/no, selecting your response(s) from options, or writing a one- or two-word answer. That's it!

What does it mean for Augustana? It means our college can be one of the 1,700 institutions that use the results to assess the quality of the education we provide you, focusing on your engagement in college, and what you gain from your experience.

We want to know how it's going for you first-year students. And seniors, we want to know about the quality of your Augustana experience. This is a big way you can share that with us.

Watch your email for the survey link, coming from NSSE on March 17.

See NSSE poster

If you have news, send it to! We love hearing about the achievements of our alumni, students and faculty.