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What’s a “pseudoconcert” and how can I attend/participate?

Pianist and associate professor of music Rob Elfline will present the first of a series of “pseudoconcerts” on Oct. 1 at 2 p.m. in Centennial Hall. All pseudoconcerts are free and open to the public.

Pseudoconcert #1 will focus on the lyric pieces of Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg, who composed these “short little character pieces” throughout his life.

Winter’s Pseudoconcert #2 will engage concertgoers with the music of childhood—some pieces about childhood, others for child performers.

In the spring, Pseudoconcert #3 will be devoted to nocturnes, music written for a nighttime setting. Dr. Elfline comments that it will be “interesting to see how different composers conceive of what nighttime music sounds like.”

But what may be most interesting is the audience’s behavior during the performances. Dr. Elfline explains in this video.

“We gather for a reason; so because we’re gathered, we should probably have some sense of interaction with one another, or perhaps the whole thing is meaningless.” 

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