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Faculty Review Committee


A. To carry out the duties associated with the Faculty Evaluation System as described in the Faculty Handbook section 2.5.

B. To review proposals for pre-tenure paid leaves as described in the Faculty Handbook section

C. To review proposals for sabbatical leaves as described in the Faculty Handbook sections and

Important information


Faculty Review Committee chair and Humanities Committee member

Jane Simonsen, professor of history and the Richard A. Swanson Chair of Social Thought; current term expires 2025-26.

Arts and Communication Committee member

Margaret A. Morse, associate professor of art and art history; current term expires 2024-25.

Social Science Committee member

Lena Hann, associate professor of public health; current term expires 2028-29 

STEM Committee members

Tim Muir, associate professor of biology; current term expires 2026-27.

At-Large Representative Committee member

Sangeetha Rayapati, professor of music; current term expires 2027-28.

Non-Tenure track faculty representatives

Donna Hare, (primary representative) Continuing Lecturer and Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, current term expires 2025-26

Katie Hanson (alternate), Continuing Lecturer and Associate Professor of English, current term expires 2025-26

Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

Dianna Shandy, permanent member.