Faculty Review Committee
A. To carry out the duties associated with the Faculty Evaluation System as described in the Faculty Handbook section 2.5.
B. To review proposals for pre-tenure paid leaves as described in the Faculty Handbook section
C. To review proposals for sabbatical leaves as described in the Faculty Handbook sections and
Important information
- Faculty review preparation documents
- Faculty handbook
- Sabbatical and pre-tenure paid leave
- Frequently asked questions (.pdf)
Faculty Review Committee chair and Humanities Committee member
Jane Simonsen, professor of history and the Richard A. Swanson Chair of Social Thought; current term expires 2025-26.
Arts and Communication Committee member
Margaret A. Morse, associate professor of art and art history; current term expires 2024-25.
Social Science Committee member
Lena Hann, associate professor of public health; current term expires 2028-29
STEM Committee members
Tim Muir, associate professor of biology; current term expires 2026-27.
At-Large Representative Committee member
Sangeetha Rayapati, professor of music; current term expires 2027-28.
Non-Tenure track faculty representatives
Donna Hare, (primary representative) Continuing Lecturer and Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, current term expires 2025-26
Katie Hanson (alternate), Continuing Lecturer and Associate Professor of English, current term expires 2025-26
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Dianna Shandy, permanent member.