Geology majors are required to complete a senior research project under the direction of one of the faculty members, completing GEOL4501 (Introduction to Research) and GEOL451 (Senior Research). Completion of GEOL451 requires a written senior thesis and public presentation of results, typically at a Geological Society of America professional meeting. Student research projects vary with interest and funding.

Elizabeth Fisher, 2013
Character Analysis of Theropoda: A Brief Study Confined to Braincase Characters And Focusing on Basal Taxa

Randy Lightfoot, 2013
Analyzing the Structural Properties, Geologic Conditions, and Friability of Garnet Sands From Four Mine Sources Around the World: Implications for the Dry-Air Abrasive Sand Blast-Cleaning Industry

Vernon Meidlinger-Chin, 2013
Braincase and Endocranial Anatomy of Cryolophosaurus Ellioti (Dinosauria: Theropoda) From the Early Jurassic of Antarctica

Matt Osman, 2014
δ18O and δD Fractionation Trends in Surface Snow Across The Matthes-Llewellyn Divide, Juneau Icefield, Alaska And British Columbia

Carl Peters, 2013
Geochemical Analysis of Heavy Metals in Sediments Surrounding the Bautsch-Gray Mine Superfund Site, Jo Daviess County, Illinois

Nate White, 2013
Significance of Late Triassic Charcoal, and Late Triassic and Late Jurassic Wood Petrification Processes and Mineralogy, South-Central Utah

Lindsey Yeider, 2013
A New Method of Age Determination of Mammuthus Columbi

Jake Crandall, 2012
Vertebral Anatomy of Cryolophosaurus Ellioti, a Theropod Dinosaur From the Early Jurassic of Antarctica
Marge Cook, 2012
Investigation of Crustal Contamination in the Palisades Intrusive Sheet, Fort Lee, New Jersey

Austin Emmer, 2012
Quality and Chemistry of Surface Water in the Illinois Quad Cities

Spencer Hellert, 2012
A New Basal Sauropodomorph From the Early Jurassic Hanson Formation of Antarctica

Maren Mathisen, 2012
Calcite Twinning Strain Analysis of the Allochthonous Jurassic Sundance, South Fork Detachment, Northwest Wyoming

John Oostenryk, 2012
Mapping and Description of the Moline Chert, Rock Island Co., Illinois

Denny Wind, 2012
Slope Stability of Peoria Loess on the Moline Uplands, Quad Cities

Beth Asbury, 2011
Paleoecology of the Upper Hell Creek Formation Ascertained From Flora Associated With a Triceratops Site Near Marmarth, North Dakota

Sam Blazey, 2011
Paleoflow Velocites of Catastrophic Flooding On the Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River, Northwestern Wyoming

Lara Cacciatore, 2011
Willemite Nucleation and Growth in Crystalline Glazes

Jake Gottlieb, 2011
Pneumatic Fossae of Apatosaurus From the Morrison Formation

Patrick Hoefle, 2011
Chemistry of Drinking Water of Northern Thailand

Jeremy Hoffman, 2011
Identifying Laurentide Ice Sheet Freshwater Discharge in the Western Labrador Sea During the 8.2 Ka Cold Event
Amanda Lindoo, 2011
High Pressure Crystal Chemistry of Norbergite

Katie Pauls, 2011
An Analysis Of Two Late Paleozoic Sandstones of the Paraná Basin In Southern Brazil

Alec Rizzo, 2011
Experimental Formation of Igneous Orbicular Textures

Adam Slaker, 2011
Micro-Structural Research for Heart Mountain Movement in the Madison, Dinwoody, and Chugwater Formations, Northwestern Wyoming

Brandon Melton, 2010
Depositional Timing and Paleoclimatic Implications of Sand Dunes in the Meredosia Bottoms, Northwestern Illinois

Henry Stauffenberg IV, 2010
Another Step Toward Answering the Dolomite Question

Kelsey Thornton, 2010
Magnetic Susceptibility and Fabric Analysis for Glacial Till Deformation in the Coal Creek Section, Coal Valley, IL

Kathryn Pauls, 2011
A Grain-Count Analysis of the Late Paleozoic Glacial Deposits of the Paraná Basin in Southern Brazil

Stephanie Jiles, 2009
Visualizing the Relationship between the Bedrock and Surface Topography of the Rock River Valley near the Quad Cities, IL with ArcGIS

Andrew Olivi, 2009
Lithologic Composition of Three Study Sites in the Upper Mississippi River Valley: Sediment Provenance, Characteristics and Correlation

Kristopher Orton, 2009
Petrology and Geochemistry of Montana Guaza; Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization of the Magma Chamber, Tenerife (Canary Islands)

Annette Zapolis, 2009
Geochemistry and Petrology of Scoria Cones Montana Amarilla and Montana del Malpasito, Bandas del Sur Formation, Tenerife (Canary Islands)

Allison Bormet, 2008
Mineralogy and Sedimentology of the Nebraskan Brule Formation and Implications Regarding Biostratigraphy

Dan Hadley, 2008
Silicic Volcanism at Reykjarfjordur, Northwestern Iceland

Katie Giambeluca, 2008
Assessment of Heavy Metal Concentration in Surface Water from a Possible Landfill Containment Source at Giant Goose Conservation Education Workshop, Atkinson, Illinois

Kristi Lyles, 2008
Sediment Analysis of Bedload Grain Lithologies of the Wisconsin River, Baraboo, Wisconsin to the Mississippi River

Lindsey Koper, 2008
Taphonomy of the White River Badlands near Shalimar Ranch, Nebraska

Elizabeth Ford, 2008
Mapping Bedrock and Landslide Susceptibility along Duck Creek in Bettendorf, Iowa

Nicolo Casarta, 2008
Geochemical Analysis of Crude Oils in Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska

Rebecca Saunders, 2008
Granites of Damariscove Island, Maine: A Microscale Characterization