tHE jOURNEY dOWN, Tyler Davis
Artist statement:
I have always had a passion for arts and crafts since I was able to pick up a crayon. My infatuation for graphic design began as a young student in high school once I got a hold of advanced technology. I was always taking art and design classes in high school any chance I got. From middle school to my senior year of college, I have taken a number of art and graphic design classes, photography classes, media and entertainment classes, business marketing classes, etc. Therefore it is only right to put everything that I learned to use into my senior inquiry project.

A lot of seniors stress about this particular project because it’s this semester long project that is worth a lot, but I believe this should be something that you are obsessed with working on. This is a project that reflects all the information you studied and mastered in school. It arguably reflects your desired lifestyle that you wish to live post college. In other words, what you want to be doing for a life long career perhaps.
If you were to look into my dreams for a lifelong career, you would see a business entrepreneur that designs clothes for a relevant fashion brand, logos and covers for famous musicians, and a professional disc jockey on the side. With my drive and ambition, I believe in myself that I can accomplish this and many more. I want to be the best I can be as a designer and an individual. I work harder when I have goals and the goal of this project is to get other people to want to wear my clothes. I want them to be excited to see what drops next. I know there are people out there with the same likes and ideas as me and they are the target market that I want to work with.

For my senior inquiry project I designed and printed various shirt styles for men and women. I decided to use Virgil Abloh and the brand “Off-White” as guidance to create intriguing streetwear clothes for millennials. The clothes that I designed reflect what I have learned all throughout my college career. Designing clothing became a hobby for me in high school and once I began to truly enjoy designing and creating fashionable clothes I knew this was something I can take joy in doing as a career. Expressing art through fashion has always been a passion of mine and being the artist behind clothes that friends and even strangers enjoy wearing is a satisfying feeling. Being amid a pandemic, clothing design has been a popular topic because of the fact that we had to quarantine and were stuck finding new things to try. Luckily, I had this project to work on so I was able to take advantage of the situation progressively.