Carley Anderson: Unhinged

Unhinged (2022)
Carley Anderson
Pen and ink, 24 x 18 inches
Senior Carley Anderson is a studio art major from Sherrard, Ill.
Artist statement
The human figure has always fascinated me, as one of many fascinations. Part of my fascination involves the psychological and sociological aspect of being human: self. The self, as I interpret it throughout this project, is how we perceive ourselves, your personal identity. My goal for this project was to combine the human figure with the hideous self, a self that has a negative perspective. As I worked throughout the semester and contemplated the self, I sometimes remembered how much society is intertwined with the self. Society either silently or loudly tells us how to conduct ourselves, and while I never intended to include any part of society or issues with society in my project, I realize that it is, in some way, part of the self.

My original plan for the semester was to primarily work with pen and ink. I wanted dramatic contrast between black and white while emphasizing details with scribbled hatching. Some heavy black edges were treated with a white acrylic marker to emphasize the edges as well as complimenting the bold black. My style for this project combines realistic elements with cartoonish features that were more anime-esque than realism to exaggerate emotion. I also allowed myself to be loose with the inking process, as I felt a more sketched appearance fit better with the negative self. After a few ink drawings, I then branched out towards digital while playing on the terms “pen and ink," experimenting with bright colors while also creating different versions of the same image, each version conveying a different yet similar message.