Lillian Hart: Inner Peace

Inner Peace
Lillian Hart
Oil painting with gold foil, 22 x 28 inches
Lillian Hart is a senior from Stonefort, Ill., majoring in art and Asian studies and minoring in Japanese.
Artist statement
I walk to my chair, set out my tools, and get ready to paint. Coming from the outside world, full of crowded thought, I sit there clearing my mind, making a safe and calm space. I set aside my worries and doubts, and paint. The smoothness of the oil paint relaxes me, gliding over the canvas. I enjoy using oils because any mistake can easily be fixed as the paint is forgiving, creating an unstressful and calming experience. Most of us in this busy world find ourselves skipping over the little things in life. Caught up in stress, anxieties, and worries, we take for granted the little moments that are peaceful, serene, or make life all the more beautiful.

I've created a few pieces with different, yet similar ideas that I want to convey. They are quite different visually, but all involve the idea of creating a sense of blocking out the busy mind to find a sense of calm and peace. In some of them, I use natural elements to convey this idea of rooting yourself in the moment and noticing the things around you finding that calm within yourself. Each piece's theme differs slightly, but the underlying main theme remains similar. Art itself can both be a form of escapism and self-expression. With my process of blocking out the loud and chaotic and finding a calm and still state of mind, I am both conveying my idea and practicing it.