Collegia Classica Augustana

Collegia Classica members with Classics faculty at the spring 2023 end-of-term dinner at Trattoria Tiramisu in Bettendorf. From left: Dr. Kirsten Day, Dr. Nick Dobson, Jessica Zabala, Dr. Mischa Hooker, Allie Anderson (at back), Iratze Aceves (at front), Laurence Pavlik (at back), Kira Banks (at front) and Henry Webb.
Collegia Classica strives to promote appreciation for the study of Greek and Roman civilizations and cultures through events and activities that seek to educate and promote interest in other students.
This group is meant to help grow an interest in Classics, whether it is an interest in mythology, ancient civilizations, religion, war history, or maybe you just really like the Percy Jackson series and want to learn more!
Collegia Classica organizes events for everyone, including group dinner outings, and movie events for the whole campus.
Collegia Classica is associated with Eta Sigma Phi, an honorary Classics fraternity that recognizes achievements in Classics, but any student who is interested in classical antiquity is welcome to participate.
Meeting times for 2023-24 academic year are 7 p.m. Fridays in Old Main 28. Join us to take part in the planning of events for the campus, as well as activities to promote connections within our group.
Current year plans include movie nights, bonfires, toga dinner parties, and special Language Olympics for all language departments being planned for spring semester. And every year, the group has an "End of Term Dinner" for students and faculty in the Classics department and Collegia Classica to come together to celebrate another successful term.
2024-2025 executive officers
President: Jules Fielder
Vice presidents: Iratze Aceves and Mari Hanson
Advisor: Dr. Kirsten Day
Phone: 309-794-7240