Epsilon Sigma Alpha International (ESA)

The Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation is dedicated to the promotion of continuing education and to altruistic activities that make a positive difference in the world community. ESA's major emphasis is service to others, which is illustrated in its motto: Serving the World Community...Because We Care
President: Kyla Painter
Vice president: Mia Fernandez
Secretary: Morgan Buchek
Treasurer: Emma McVicker
Philanthropic: Bryanna Matkovich
Publicity: Sarah Stevanvoic
Educational: Sutton Gaines
Social: Alison Locander
Diversity: Zoey Edwards
Email: epsilonsigmaalpha@augustana.edu
Website: www.epsilonsigmaalpha.org/LearnMore
Instagram: www.instagram.com/augie_esa
Advisor: Tia Steele
Phone: 309-794-2695