How to start a dream job right after (or before) graduating from Augustana
Three 2024 grads show what can happen with curiosity, internships, good challenges and support from their Augustana success team.
2024-25 catalog
B.S., Clarke; Ph.D., Illinois
JOSÉ R. BOQUÍN, Associate Professor
B.Phi, Ave Maria College of the Americas; Ph.D. Baylor University
SALLY BURGMEIER, Laboratory Coordinator and Assistant Professor
B.S., Marycrest; M.S., Western Illinois
PATRICK A. CRAWFORD, Professor, Chair
B.A., Hanover; Ph.D., Miami (Ohio)
GREGORY J. DOMSKI, Associate Dean of the College, Professor
B.A., Augustana; Ph.D., Cornell
A. RAYFORD HARRISON, Assistant Professor
B.S., Tuskegee; Ph.D., Iowa
DELL JENSEN, Associate Professor
B.S., Nevada–Reno; Ph.D., Kentucky
TODD MILLER, Laboratory Coordinator and Associate Professor
B.A., Dubuque; Ph.D., Iowa
PAMELA TROTTER, Professor, Robert W. Beart Endowed Professor
B.S., Pacific Lutheran; Ph.D., Harvard
AMANDA WILMSMEYER, Associate Professor
B.S., Allegheny College; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
CHAD YUEN, Continuing Lecturer Associate Professor
B.S., Ph.D., Iowa State
MAJOR IN CHEMISTRY. 28 credits beyond CHEM-132/235, including CHEM-255, CHEM-321, CHEM-322, CHEM-361 or 365, CHEM-441, CHEM-435, CHEM-471 and one Senior Inquiry chosen from CHEM-474, CHEM-475 or CHEM-476. Required supporting courses: PHYS-151/152 or 211/212 and MATH-160, 220, and 230
Recommended supporting courses: CHEM-181, BIOL-130, MATH-260, MATH-320, MATH-250, COMP-211, COMP-212.
ACS APPROVED MAJOR IN CHEMISTRY. Students desiring an ACS-certified major must complete 36 credits beyond CHEM-132/235, including CHEM-255, CHEM-321, CHEM-322, CHEM-361, CHEM-365, CHEM-455, CHEM-441, CHEM-435, CHEM-471 and one Senior Inquiry chosen from CHEM-475 or CHEM-476. Required supporting courses: CHEM-181, PHYS-151/152 or 211/212 and MATH-160, 220, and 230.
• Strongly recommend 200-level physics and Math 260 and/or 320.
Recommended supporting courses: BIOL- 130, MATH-260, MATH-320, MATH-250, COMP-211, COMP-212.
MAJOR FOR CHEMISTRY EDUCATION. See the Director of Secondary Education and chair of the chemistry department for program requirements.
MINOR IN CHEMISTRY. 12 Credits in chemistry beyond CHEM-132/235 at the 200-level or above. Required supporting course MATH 160 (Calculus I).
Grade Point Average Notation: All courses listed in the catalog as required courses for any major and/or minor, including those courses outside of the department or with a different subject coding, are considered part of the major and will count in the grade point average. Some departments may have additional grade requirements for the courses offered within their department. Recommended supporting courses that are optional and not required may also count in the major depending on the program. For more information see your department chair or the degree requirements for Bachelor of Arts and information on Majors/Minors.
Three 2024 grads show what can happen with curiosity, internships, good challenges and support from their Augustana success team.
Some people make a career of improving lives. Dr. Jenn Hintzsche ’06 also helps create them. The FDA has granted clearance to an at-home insemination kit that allows would-be parents to take control of their experience. Dr. Hintzsche created the device.
It comes down to opportunities and mentors. Just ask Max Petersen ’10.