If teaching is your calling, here are three reasons that you should study education at Augustana:
Reputation. The merits of our education department are well known and widely respected locally and regionally. When school principals have open teaching positions, they often call Augustana.
Location. The Quad Cities provides many student-teaching placement options: rural, urban, suburban, public and private institutions, working with diverse student populations. All student teaching placements take place locally and are closely supervised by faculty members.
Study away. More than 90 percent of Augustana’s education majors complete their degree in four years, and often are able to study off campus. The education department offers a popular immersion opportunity in Jamaica.
What you'll learn
Disciplinary knowledge
Gain a deep understanding of your subject and how it connects to other subjects.
Communication competence
Read and listen carefully. Express ideas (writing or speaking) suited to the audience.
Creative thinking
Combine ideas to create something new. Use imaginative ways of solving problems.
Intercultural competence
Understand real and imaginary similarities and differences. Use more than one perspective to view issues.
Collaborative leadership
Make decisions and act for the good of the community as a group.
Teacher licensure programs
Augustana offers programs that lead to Illinois licensure in the following areas:
• Elementary education (1-6) with the option to add a Reading Teacher endorsement.
• Middle grades education (5-8) for English, mathematics, science and social studies. Most students can complete both secondary and middle grades programs in their respective areas.
• Secondary education (9-12) in English language arts, mathematics, science (biology, chemistry, physics), and social science (history).
• K-12 art, foreign language (French, German, Spanish), and music education.
The Illinois State Board of Education participates in teacher licensure reciprocity agreements with most other states. (See Professional Educator License for more information.)
• Augustana offers multiple scholarship opportunities, but here’s one just for education majors. If you plan to teach a STEM subject — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in a high-need school district after graduation, you may apply for Promoting Opportunities in STEM Teaching (POST) scholarships, ranging from $10,000-$30,000 a year.
• Faculty members represent a range of professional experiences: teaching in public and private schools in- and out-of-state, teaching abroad, moving from teaching to administration, field experience and advanced study.
• If you're majoring in elementary education, you can gain experience in advance of your student teaching through Augustana’s collaborative partnership with nearby Longfellow Liberal Arts elementary school. Prior to student teaching, you will complete at least three clinical experiences.
• Club Ed members take part in workshops, presentations and social events; visit schools during field trips to Chicago; volunteer at local schools; and participate in child-oriented service projects.
Recent graduates
Gareth Kent '23 teaches English at Reed Custer High School in Braidwood, Ill.
Abigail Johnson '23 teaches French at Pleasant Valley Junior High and High School in Bettendorf, Iowa.
Joyce Matanguihan '23is a second grade teacher at Bowlesburg Elementary School in Silvis, Ill.
Justin Vollmuth '23teaches math at Mesa Ridge High School in Colorado Springs, Colo.
The Illinois Digital Educators Alliance has named Alex Mayszak ’13 the Tech Leader Educator of the Year. The state award honors teachers making outstanding contributions to integrating technology in their school district.
To prepare future teachers, the Golden Apple Foundation provides training and teaching experience during summer institutes; mentoring; academic and social support; and job placement assistance. Augustana is one of the program’s 50+ Illinois college and university partners.