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Cooperating teacher resources

Welcome cooperating teachers!

Using the button below, you can access documents, handbooks, evaluations and other forms you might need during the semester.

Access resources

If you cannot find the information you need, please contact:

Katie Hanson
Julie J. Oliger


Alex Mayszak '13

2013 grad named top tech educator in Illinois

The Illinois Digital Educators Alliance has named Alex Mayszak  ’13 the Tech Leader Educator of the Year. The state award honors teachers making outstanding contributions to integrating technology in their school district.

Lauridsen and Gebremarium with Bold and Boundless overlay

Students engage passions in summer research projects

At Augustana College, summer isn't just a break from classes — it's a perfect time for cutting-edge research and academic exploration.

Michael Scarlett

Golden Apple Scholars shine at Augustana

To prepare future teachers, the Golden Apple Foundation provides training and teaching experience during summer institutes; mentoring; academic and social support; and job placement assistance. Augustana is one of the program’s 50+ Illinois college and university partners.