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World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Preparing students to engage with linguistic and cultural diversity on a global scale.

The mission of Augustana College is to provide an educational experience that prepares young people for rewarding lives "in a diverse and changing world." The Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (WLLC) prepares students to engage with linguistic and cultural diversity on a global scale. 

WLLC faculty members come from around the globe, have extensive experience working and living abroad, and are experts in their respective fields. Students with majors and minors in WLLC programs often pair their studies with interdisciplinary coursework and degrees from a variety of programs such as education, business, communications, pre-medicine, social sciences and the natural sciences.

Seven language programs comprise WLLC:

Each program offers courses in linguistic, cultural and literary studies. 

Coursework connects to events, programs and organizations, on campus and within the Quad-City community. From conversation tables and community engagement, to summers abroad and foreign exchange programs, WLLC programs connect students to a world of opportunities and experiences. 

In addition to using Augie Choice, students wishing to further their language studies abroad may apply for grants from the Freistat Center, the Office of International and Off-Campus Programs and other centers on campus to help make an overseas language immersion program more affordable.

The department also offers up to $1,000 for students who go abroad for a language immersion program.

Awards for language immersion programs abroad

WLLC gives one-time awards of up to $500 to students majoring/minoring in a language taught within the department for study abroad immersion programs in the target language. This gift fund is made possible by the generous support of donors, including alumni and friends of the college.

Funds will be awarded to Augustana-sponsored programs that offer a minimum of four weeks in-country experience. 

To be eligible, students must be a declared major or minor in a language taught in the department and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the target language.

Preference will be given to students who are enrolled in 200-level language classes or higher and who compose a strong and compelling personal letter.

A complete application must include: 

1. A completed application form. The form must be completed online.

2. A statement detailing why the student wishes to participate in the study abroad program (1-2 pages). This can be attached to the online form.

3. A letter of support from a member of WLLC faculty. Please provide their e-mail address with the online form.

Students should compose a report after the study abroad program explaining how the experience was beneficial and has had an impact on the students' understanding of their chosen language and studies (1-2 pages). We also encourage you to share with us one or two appropriate pictures that we may include in reports to donors who would like to see how you spent your time abroad. Please send the reflection and photos to Dr. Renaud.

The submission deadline for the 2024-25 academic year is Monday, March 17, 2025, at 4:30 p.m. Notification of award decision will be released no later than Monday, April 21, 2025. For more information, contact Dr. Jeff Renaud.

Diversity and inclusivity

In the Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, we celebrate diversity in its many forms, and we strive to promote inclusivity in our offices and classrooms. We honor the individual and cultural identities of our students, faculty, and staff. All are welcome regardless of national origin, native language, immigration status, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, and ability. We seek to accommodate many learning styles and to empower all language learners as they explore multicultural and diverse perspectives in our courses.

Many languages involve parts of speech that are marked by binary gender. Fortunately, languages evolve and expand as language users strive to articulate the rich variety of human experience. This process takes time and requires that communities engage in creative linguistic solutions. We encourage our non-binary students to speak with their professors about strategies for using the target language to affirm and reflect their identities. (Updated April 2021)