Lindsay Hohertz
Graduation year: 2014
Majors: Sociology-social welfare, art
Minor: Communication studies
Activities: Augustana Symphonic Band, Sigma Pi Delta sorority, Augustana Symphony Orchestra, SGA
Post-grad plans: Social work
Why did you choose to attend Augustana?
I appreciated the small campus, and it seemed to provide many opportunities that I was interested in. I also felt comfortable with the conductor of the Augustana Symphonic Band, Dr. Lambrecht, along with the art department faculty, which were some of the activities I knew I wanted to be involved in.
Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?
For the most part, yes. I have always been involved in music and art, but I wasn’t sure what to do for a career. I am very interested in sociology and communications, and I am glad those studies have led me to volunteering, and then an internship with a social worker at hospice.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
My parents have always supported me and done whatever they could to help me succeed. However, I am also grateful for my advisors Peter Kivisto, Rowen Schussheim-Anderson and Peter Xiao (and the art department as a whole). They have helped me with anything I’ve needed, and have always been there when I needed advice. They are all great problem-solvers.
A peak experience?
I think all of the Symphonic Band tours as a whole were peak experiences for me. Experiencing music through the Italian and Japanese cultures is something I will always remember, and take with me. But it was also special for me to tour in America. I never would have imagined that my college and high school band would play "Battle Hymn of the Republic" together, and it was also wonderful to play for the people who live on the West Coast of the United States.
What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?
I learned that I can manage many activities and projects that come up at once. Augustana has taught me that I need to manage my time and prioritize effectively if I want to do everything that I love.
How did you use your Augie Choice?
I used Augie Choice for the Augustana Symphonic Band’s tour to Japan.
What will you miss the most?
What I will miss the most is being around my Speed sorority sisters whenever I want. They have been the best support system, and I have learned a lot about the “real world” through many of the girls who are now alumni.
Advice for the Class of 2018?
Put yourself out there, and join anything that interests you, even if you have to explore by yourself for a while. You have four years ahead of you, and this is the best time to explore what you really want to do.
"Lindsay is a very determined and ambitious student with remarkably clear goals. For that reason, although her immediate objectives were often difficult to translate into concrete plans — for example, regarding an internship — with persistence on both of our parts, things came together nicely.”