Austin Burant
Graduation year: 2017
Majors: Business administration (finance) and applied mathematics
Minor: Accounting
Activities: Varsity track & field, Pi Mu Epsilon honorary mathematics fraternity, finance tutor
Post-grad plans: I am taking my CFA level II Exam in June. I would like to have my CFA designation within the next couple years. With this designation, I am planning on pursuing a job doing financial analysis on securities.
Why Augustana?
I attended Augustana because when I visited, I felt like I was going to be a part of Augustana, instead of just being a student like at other colleges. Augustana had a community feel that others did not have.
Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?
No, I thought I was going to be an accounting major. Also, I am much more outgoing than I ever thought I would be.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
My advisor, Lina Zhou, is the reason I am a business administration-finance major. We talked about what I enjoyed and was good at, and she guided me in the classes I should take. My track coach, Paul Olsen, made me see more joy in life. I tore my ACL my junior year and thought my track career was over, but with his and the track team’s encouragement, I was able to turn a disappointing situation into a enjoyable one.
A peak experience?
Going to Italy with my Augie Choice. I always thought I never wanted to leave America, but I went to Italy with the football team, and now want to see more of the world. I cannot even describe the beauty of the Vatican or Michelangelo’s David; I will never forget them.
What surprised you?
I learned that I have a great skill in listening. I was surprised to find out that I can enjoy interacting with new people, which I used to hate.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss having lunch in the CC (College Center) with my friends. I will miss staying up all night working on homework with my friends.
Advice to the Class of 2021?
Everyone at Augustana wants to help you. It is incredible…no matter where you are, if you ask for help, someone will be there to help you.
“Austin passed the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) level I exam in December 2016! The CFA charter is the most respected and recognized investment management designation in the world. The three levels of the CFA exams cover graduate-level curriculum and emphasize the highest ethical standards. It is an amazing achievement, more than I could expect from my students. Augustana’s liberal arts education made Austin a self-motivated learner who knows how to think as well as how to apply practical skills. He is now preparing for level II. I am ready to receive more good news, and I wish him the best with his career in finance.”