Kyle Zeberlein
Graduation year: 2017
Majors: Engineering physics and applied mathematics
Minor: Computer science
Activities: Augustana Web Guild, Rocky Mountain Student Club, varsity baseball (three years), Rho Nu Delta fraternity (honorary)
Internships: For two summers, I was an IT design intern with Implementix in Wheat Ridge, Colo. I worked in the Augustana Entrepreneurial (EDGE) Center as a web development Intern. I also worked as a junior developer for 38th Street Studios, Chicago, during the summer before and much of my senior year.
Post-grad plans: I will attend North Carolina State University to pursue a master’s in analytics.
Why Augustana?
I wanted to find a small, liberal arts school where I could get a good education, play baseball and have a well-rounded life.
Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?
Absolutely not. I had no idea many of my options even existed when I started college. Augie opened my eyes to many possibilities in life. Throughout the many different opportunities, I had the chance to try different things, figure out what I like and don’t like, and work my way into finding my interests and developing my skills.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
First, my professors: they were always willing to put in extra time if I was trying figure out a problem on the homework, find an internship for that next summer or just to talk. Next, my study groups: they kept me motivated during those late nights studying and helped blow off steam with necessary distractions. My parents: they were always extremely supportive and there to offer level-headed advice. Lastly, Doug Tschopp and Andy Shearouse in the EDGE Center for introducing me to web technologies and kick-starting my professional life.
A peak experience?
I have a hard time boiling this down to one moment, but one of my peak experiences occurred in Dr. James Van Howe’s optics class spring of my sophomore year. This is the class where I was challenged to the point of finding the balance of having the confidence to attack challenging problems and the humility to learn when to ask questions. This served as a pivotal turning point in how I approached school.
What surprised you?
I have learned how to step outside of my comfort zone and to try different things, even if I do not know where exactly they will lead. That was probably the most frightening step for me, but once I did, it opened a lot of doors.
How did you use Augie Choice?
I used my Augie Choice to cover living expenses the summer before my senior year interning as a front-end web developer in the EDGE Center.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss the close-knit community of Augie the most, where I have gotten the chance to meet so many different people with different perspectives on life. There will be nothing like the people I have met through Augie, and the friendships that I have gained.
Advice for the Class of 2021?
Set lofty goals for yourself and learn to accept that failure is your friend. You will fall short of some of your goals and make some mistakes along the way, but you will learn far more from those struggles than the successes. Try to stretch yourself in different ways, and you will be amazed by how much you grow over time and become more of a complete person. Lastly, do not be afraid to ask for help. Augustana is full of professors, faculty and even peers who are more than willing to go out of their way to help you reach your goals and full potential.
"Kyle came to the EDGE Center looking to be immersed in website programming for a summer, and he stayed on his senior year. He learned web development skills quickly, but took advantage of the opportunities in EDGE to build his professional skills as well. Learning about business processes, project management and client communication will help as he goes on to grad school and then on to his career."