Lisa Pohlman-Zordan
Graduation year: 2018
Majors: Business administration-management, environmental studies
Minor: Geography
Activities: Varsity swimming, Augustana Dance Company, Chi Alpha Pi sorority
Internship: Quad Cities Botanical Center, where I worked on a variety of finance and marketing projects
Post-grad plans: Exploring job opportunities!
Why Augustana?
I chose Augustana because I just had a feeling it would be right. I was torn between Augie and another school and trusted my gut feeling.
Are you where you thought you’d be when you first came to campus?
Not exactly. I really had no idea where I envisioned myself as a freshman! I was undecided when it came to majors, and I did not expect to be able to continue swimming or dancing for four more years. I'm endlessly grateful that I found so many opportunities here to pursue all the things I love.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
I can honestly say I've learned something from everyone I've met during my time here. My friends and teammates have really been such an amazing support system. Thank you to my first-year advisor, Dr. Rayapati, and my major advisor, Dr. Goins, for giving me the inspiration, freedom and resources to explore my interests. I’d also like to thank Margaret Ellis and Coach Dan Lloyd for their constant support and encouragement.
Peak experience?
I think presenting my Senior Inquiry poster was one of the coolest experiences. My advisors were very excited for me, and many of my classmates, teammates and friends stopped by to show their interest and support of my topic. It was a very culminating moment, and I was very proud of my independent research.
What surprised you?
I'm very committed to things that I want to learn more about. I've become very resourceful and creative when it comes to solving problems and finishing the tasks I need to do.
How did you use Augie Choice?
I used it as a stipend during my unpaid internship at the Botanical Center and to conduct my Senior Inquiry research.
What will you miss the most?
I'll miss all the special little traditions and events that the swim team and Dance Company partake in—things like team dinners and Secret Santa Christmas parties where you really get to come together outside of the classroom, dance floor or pool to bond with the people around you. I'll also miss all of the people and the beautiful campus, of course!
Advice for the Class of 2022?
Be open to learning about yourself! Try different clubs, experiment with different study habits, and push yourself out of your comfort zone every once in a while. Even if some things don't work out, there’s a lot to be gained from trying.
“To me, Lisa reflects the best things about a liberal arts college student. She managed double majors in business and environmental studies with a minor in geography. In class she showed her conceptual thinking, quick wit and ease with classmates. She was active on the swim team and dance club. In her Senior Inquiry, her thoughtfulness and determination resulted in a very successful research project. She took advantage of all that Augustana has to offer, and we will miss her!”