Shannon Snyder
Graduation year: 2018
Majors: Geography, environmental studies
Activities: Women's club soccer, Mortar Board, Omicron Delta Kappa (leadership), Epsilon Sigma Alpha (service), Chi Omega Gamma sorority, Cantilena Choir
Internships: Summer internship with the Quad City Botanical Center as a horticulturalist; winter internship with Environet, Inc., an environmental consulting firm in Davenport, as a environmental technician
Post-grad plans: Internship with Bi-State Regional Commission in Rock Island, Ill., doing GIS work
Why Augustana?
I chose Augustana because I was really drawn to the small class settings. I know that I personally do well in smaller classes so Augustana was able to provide that. I also loved the location by the Mississippi River, something that I've been familiar with my whole life.
Are you where you’d thought you’d be when you first came to campus?
I am definitely not where I thought I would be. I came in as a scared, undecided freshman, and now I am a confident geography/environmental studies senior. I am so happy to be where I am now, and I am thankful for the journey that brought me here.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
My family was a major contributor in helping me get to where I am now. They have supported me through all the ups and downs. I truly believe I wouldn't be where I am today if I didn't have them. My professors were also major contributors; they have inspired me and guided me through this whole experience. They have provided me with an education that I will never take for granted!
Peak experience?
A peak experience was traveling to Spain for the Camino de Santiago study away trip the summer before my senior year. It was the first time I had left the country, and I owe the entire opportunity to Augustana. It was one of the most eye-opening and influential experiences that I've had. The memories I made on that trip will stay with me for the rest of my life.
What surprised you?
I learned that I have come a long way from the person I was as a senior in high school to a senior in college. I have grown in confidence, intelligence, awareness and resilience. I may not have been aware of this change in the moment, but after reflecting on my time at Augustana, I have definitely evolved. Augustana has provided me with intellectual skills as well as life skills that I can confidently take into my future after graduation.
How did you use Augie Choice?
I used my Augie Choice for the Camino de Santiago study away program, and I am so grateful that I did.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss being surrounded by my good friends that I have met through Augustana. I have become so used to living with them and seeing them in all of my classes that it will be hard to transition to not seeing them as often. But I am thankful for all the memories we’ve made!
Advice for the Class of 2022?
Make as many connections as possible during your time at Augustana. Make new friends, get to know your professors/other Augustana faculty, go to networking events, try new experiences because you never know where those connections will take you. They can impact your life in so many different ways so don't be afraid!
“I’ve had Shannon in many of my classes, and although she is relatively quiet, she always had a bigger impact on the class than she probably realized. I worked with her on her river-based Senior Inquiry project, and she has a gift for being organized and detail-oriented, and she has a keen eye for observation that will serve her well in any field-based career. Shannon is also one of the most empathetic, open-minded, caring people I know, and she has a wonderful sense of humor that her future co-workers will enjoy as much as we did.”