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Henry Sothern
More Than I Imagined Seniors reflect on accomplishments and look ahead

Henry Sothern

Graduation year: 2025

High school: Grant High School

Hometown: Portland, Ore.

Major: Sociology and anthropology

Activities: Varsity men’s water polo

Post-grad plans: United States Marine Corps Active Duty

Why Augustana?

I chose Augustana mainly because of water polo, but quickly realized there was more to this small DIII school than I realized. 

Augie does a good job of providing students with so many opportuniities for academic success from small class sizes to one-on-one instruction from professors. In my experience, professors actually cared about my individual success and me as a person.

Are you where you thought you'd be when you first came to campus?

I never imagined being where I am today, and being able to do half the things I’ve done since coming to Augie. It’s amazing how one opportunity can lead to the next.

Who helped you get to where you are now?

To start, my water polo coaches and teammates. They have been there every step of the way and never lost support for my dreams. On the academics side, the entire sociology and anthropology department as they all taught me valuable lessons through class and faculty advising meetings.

Peak experience?

I’m not sure I have a peak experience. I would have to say my junior and senior years combined because everything has just kept rolling into the next big thing — from academic opportunities to professional opportunity for success.

What surprised you?

How much I have grown in terms of character development. I think college has taught me how to live a balanced life. It's important to have a job and act like an adult, but at the same time you have to find new ways to have fun; otherwise life would just get boring.

How did you use your Augie Choice?

I utilized my Augie Choice for the military program I was enrolled in during my summer of senior year. As Augie does not have an ROTC program, I was forced to look elsewhere for military opportunities. I was able to use the money to help pay for the summer program I attended in Quantico, Va.

What will you miss the most?

Water polo for sure because of the team spirit, memories and opportunities for success.

Advice for the Class of 2029?

Stay in the moment. It’s easy to get caught up in planning out what you want your college experience to look like. But not getting too far ahead or stuck in the past is going to benefit you.

"Henry was part of our program's first recruiting class and has been an outstanding leader for our team. He possesses a tireless work ethic and positive attitude, and is a fantastic teammate. I've coached hundreds of athletes throughout my career, and Henry stands out among them as an ideal team member and leader. He has been a tremendous asset to the Augustana community, and I expect him to accomplish great things in his future in the Marine Corps and beyond."

— Ryan Pryor, head coach, water polo