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Wills '16 wins 2015 Hasselmo Prize

Fueled by a heart defect and an interest in research, junior Brandon Wills earned the 2015 Hasselmo Prize for Academic Pursuit and its $5,000 award. The biology major will conduct genetics research at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Ill., this summer.

Hasselmo winner has heart and mind in the right place

Fueled by a heart defect and an interest in research, junior Brandon Wills earned the 2015 Hasselmo Prize for Academic Pursuit and its $5,000 award. The biology major will conduct genetics research at  Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Ill., this summer.

Observer staff wins 18 awards

Augustana College's student newspaper, the Augustana Observer, has done it again, collecting 18 awards from the Illinois College Press Association to break the newspaper's record of 17 awards in 2011.

Journalist to discuss aftermath of 2008 financial crisis

Augustana will host author Kevin Roose for the annual Ellwood F. Curtis Family Lecture in Public Affairs at 7 p.m. March 23. Roose, a journalist who has covered Wall Street, business and finance, will speak about his latest book, "Young Money: Inside the Hidden World of Wall Street's Post-Crash Recruits," which chronicles the story of brokers in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008.

Sinoidal Ensemble to perform Spanish music March 13

The Sinoidal Ensemble will perform a program of 20-21st century Spanish pieces at 8 p.m. March 13 on campus.

Darwin Week March 16-20: birds, games, concert

The Darwin Club will sponsor Darwin Week March 16-20, commemorating the 205th birthday of English naturalist Charles Darwin. The week will include craft sales in Brew by the Slough, Survival of the Fittest Games, campus bird walk Nature Movie Night and the annual Chuck Fest concert.

jacob self

Jake Self-MIS

Lacrosse brought Jake Self to Augustana, but it's been a powerful combination of his two majors that has defined his college experience. Self will graduate in May with a double major in accounting and management information systems and go to work for Deere and Co.

Augustana to offer $150,000 to student entrepreneurs

There's no roadmap for entrepreneurs, but several new resources at Augustana, including $150,000 in donor-funded grants, will help students better transfer their college experiences to life as an entrepreneur.

Denver internship research

Students combine research and recreation in Denver

The Quad Cities is a rich location for internships and research. But some students want the added experience of practicing in their field while living in another part of the world. The Augustana in Denver internship program gives them that.The city is home to many alumni, providing students a strong career and internship network, and occasional invitations to dinner.

'12 grad directs new version of 'Little Red Riding Hood'

Kailey Ackermann '12 directs a new version of "Little Red Riding Hood" (in which the wolf is secretly a vegan) for Davenport Junior Theatre. “I am inspired by the dedication of the kids,” she said. “I can tell that they really want to be there and really want to work. Seeing young people with that kind of motivation is really inspiring."

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