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Housing assignment information

Check-in and check-out

Residents wishing to change rooms or check out of their residence halls or houses during the academic year, must contact their current Area Coordinator (AC).

Residents who do not have their rooms inspected by their Community Advisor prior to their departure automatically waive all rights to appeal damage billing charges. The following charges apply for room keys that are not returned within 48 hours of your departure: $50 improper checkout fine, $75 lock re-core charge.

Upon departure, residents are expected to return their rooms to check-in condition, which includes returning furnishings to their original configuration. The college cannot guarantee that items left in the room or building after the check-out process is completed will be returned.

Those wishing to check out at the completion of the fall or January winter terms must do so by the official hall closing date (see Important Dates). End of the school year checkout instructions are emailed to residents in early May.

Housing contract information

All full-time students are required to live on campus with the following exceptions:

  • Students entering their fourth year of college life
  • Students age 22 or older by Sept. 1 of the current academic year
  • Students who have been granted commuter status by the Office of Residential Life
  • Students who have received written permission to reside off-campus by the Office of Residential Life, the Student Policy Committee or the Dean of Student

Once an assignment is secured, students are contracted for the academic year. Special exceptions may be sought by petition to the Dean of Students.

On-campus exemption

Students can request an exemption from the on-campus housing requirement if they live at home with a parent or guardian or if they will be older than 22 years of age prior to the beginning of the fall term. Students should complete an exemption request prior to submitting a housing agreement with the college for the upcoming school year.

On-campus exemption request form

Students who have reserved a campus room are contracted to reside in campus housing the entire academic year unless they graduate, withdraw or drop to part-time status.

Requests for on-campus exemptions received after a housing agreement has been submitted will be subject to a $150 processing fee.

Students who request an on-campus exemption after moving in during the fall term will be charged half of remaining fee for the fall and $500 for  the spring term. After week 6, students will be assessed the entire housing fee for that term, and $500 for the spring. Students requesting to move out during the spring term will be charged half of the remaining fee for the spring, until week 6. After week 6, students will be responsible for the entire housing fee. 

Students with extraordinary medical or financial needs who cannot be accommodated by the residential housing system or those seeking alternative housing options should contact the Dean of Students for information and assistance.

Romantic relationships

Residence halls, as well as TLA houses and apartments, are not intended for romantic partners. Students are not required to disclose their reason for requesting a specific roommate, however,  Residential Life does not recommend that romantic partners choose to live together.

Room occupancy

Residents are required to reside in their assigned rooms unless authorized to move by their AC. Unattached rooms cannot be reconfigured to create separate sleeping and lounge areas.

Roommate consolidation policy

Residents who have a vacant space in their rooms should be ready to receive a new roommate at any time. They are expected to keep half of the room clean and available for a new roommate to move in. When circumstances permit, the resident may invite a new roommate to move into the room.

After spring term begins and if space and circumstances permit, a resident may request to pay the single rate to avoid receiving a new roommate. Single status in a double-occupancy room is considered to be an exception and will not be guaranteed as an option. It may not be chosen as an option after a new roommate has been assigned.

The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to reassign beds and relocate residents at any time after a vacancy occurs.

Room selection process

Rooms for new students are assigned by the Office of Residential Life. Returning students will select rooms during the spring term during a randomly assigned lottery time.

Detailed information regarding residence hall or house selection and off-campus release will be sent to all students via email during spring term and will also be available on the website.

Students are responsible for being familiar with the campus housing selection procedures by attending scheduled information sessions and contacting Residential Life staff with questions prior to room selection.

Room and roommate changes

Students wishing to change rooms or buildings must make an appointment with their Area Coordinator for information and permission to move.

  1. If the situation is a roommate conflict, students are expected to discuss their concerns openly with their roommates prior to seeking a room change. The community advisor can assist as needed.
  2. If the students are unable to resolve their conflict, the AC will arrange a formal mediation. If the resolution is unable to be reached, the AC may approve a room change.
  3. Once a move is approved, students should clean and vacate their old room and return their key to the CA within 24 hours after receiving their new key.
  4. Room changes will not be allowed during the first or last week of classes each semester or exam week.

Special housing accommodations

The Assistant Director of Residential Life coordinates the provision of accommodations for students with special needs.

Students should use the Request for Housing Accommodations form online prior to receiving their housing assignment, or as soon as they become aware of a need for an accommodation. 

Temporary room assignments

Some students may be placed in temporary housing assignments (e.g. lounges) when there is a larger-than-normal incoming class. These students are billed at a lower rate and will be relocated when acceptable assignments (as determined by the Office of Residential Life) are available.

If students are offered a permanent housing assignment, but request to remain in the temporary space, they will then be billed at the normal rate. Note that the Office of Residential Life reserves the right to reassign students as needed. 

Transitional Living Areas

Students will be eligible to live in a Transitional Living Area (or TLA) when they meet one of these criteria:

• Are entering their third year of college life

• Will be age 21 or older by Sept. 1 of the current academic year

• Receive permission from the director or assistant director of Residential Life

Transitional Living Areas all-gender housing:

Everyone wishing to share a TLA house or apartment, regardless of gender, must opt in when confirming a roommate group through the housing selection process.

Students will not automatically be placed in an all-gendered space. If students do not have a roommate group selected, they will be assigned to a single gender space based on the gender they identify on their housing applications.

Once a TLA house or apartment is designated as all-gender, it will typically remain all-gender for the duration of the academic year. In the event of a vacancy within that space, the remaining residents of the house or apartment will first be asked to fill the vacant space. If the remaining residents cannot fill the vacancy and space is needed, some or all of the remaining residents may be asked to relocate.

The Office of Residential Life encourages students to discuss this program with their parents/guardians before selecting all-gender housing. Students' confirmation of a roommate group through the housing selection process serves as their consent to live in an all-gendered space. 

Vacation housing accommodations

TLAs remain open during all college breaks. The Residence Halls will close for Christmas recess and spring break. Several weeks prior to Christmas recess, and spring break, information will be made available via email and various postings regarding housing for those who need to remain on campus. Students must get permission from the Office of Residential Life to stay  from in advance.

There is a $50 per day cost to remain in a residence hall during a break. Those who must stay on campus for academic or athletic reasons (advance verification from the coach or faculty member is required) may stay free of charge. Students who live 400-plus miles from campus may also stay free of charge, provided they notify the Office of Residential Life prior to the posted deadline. 


Residents who withdraw from classes are not eligible to reside in campus housing. Checkout should occur within one day from the date of withdrawal. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Office of Residential Life or the Dean of Students.