Data analytics major declaration
The data analytics department hosts their major/minor declaration event.
Communication studies major declaration
The communication studies department hosts a presentation as part of their major/minor declaration event.
Accounting major declaration
The accounting department hosts their major/minor declaration event.
General student recital
Music students will present a recital.
General student recital
Music students will present a recital.
TRIO students pitch in on national day of service
Augustana students in the college’s TRIO Student Support Services program will participate in a national day of service in
celebration of National TRIO Day Feb. 26.
Finishing Strong: finals prep workshop
Starting Strong is a workshop that covers study strategies to help maximize the time spent studying to help make recalling the information easier and therefore increase course success.
Staying Strong: motivation and procrastination
Starting Strong is a workshop that covers study strategies to help maximize the time spent studying to help make recalling the information easier and therefore increase course success.
Augustana rugby vs. Irish rugby
The joint Augustana/St. Ambrose rugby club will take on the Irish rugby club.