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Academic Standards

2025-26 Academic Catalog (edits in-progress)

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY: While the senior audit, program evaluation, academic support resources, as well as academic guidance from faculty and advisors are all available to every student at no additional cost, these resources are provided for use in planning only. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain an accurate schedule at all times and pay for all tuition and fees associated with their registration in accordance with all published fees and deadlines. Students must report any printed schedule error to the Office of the Registrar within two semesters. The responsibility for understanding and meeting degree requirements rests entirely with the student.

A student whose grade-point average is lower than a C (2.00) may not continue the following semester without approval by the college. The minimum grade-point average with which a student will be allowed to continue varies depending on the number of credits earned. A student whose grade-point average is below 2.00 but who has been allowed to continue attendance is con­sidered to be on academic probation. Specific academic standards are presented in this catalog and in the online student handbook, Inside Augustana.

Eligibility for Extra-curricular Activities

Participation in extra-curricular activities at Augustana reflects two basic principles:

  1. All extra-curricular activities in an educational institution should recognize the priority of academic work.
  2. Although appropriate rules for eligibility have a proper place in the program of a college, these rules should be designed to allow maximum opportunity for participants to structure every aspect of their college lives in as free and responsible a way as possible.

To be eligible for extra-curricular activities, a student must be enrolled in at least 12 credits unless he or she is a senior registered only for sufficient credits to graduate at the end of that semester. (Students should keep in mind that registering for fewer than 12 credits can jeopardize financial aid and athletic eligibility.)

Students who are on academic probation are ineligible for the following:

Activities. Editorial and management positions for The Observer and WAUG; chair, co-chair and director of major all-campus events and organizations; Student Government Association officers, representatives and executive board members; participation in debate and drama.

Committee memberships. Committee on Advanced Standing and Degrees, Educational Policies Committee, Student Judiciary and Student Policy Committee.

Greek and social groups. Participation in the new member period and service fraternities and sororities. (Once a student is active, membership in these groups does not require a 2.00 grade-point average.)

There is no grade-point average requirement for partic­i­pation in extra-curricular activities other than those listed above. However, individual organizations or groups may establish their own requirements for membership.

A student need not be enrolled full-time in order to be eligible for participation in credit activities such as band, choir, orchestra and theatre. However, because of policies created by the American Forensic Associ­ation which governs participation in academic debate, only full-time students may engage in debate.

Eligibility for Athletics, Intramural and Club Activities

To participate in intramural or club sports, a student must be registered for at least 12 credits unless he or she is a senior graduating at the end of the semester. (Registering for fewer than 12 credits can jeopardize financial aid and athletic eligibility.) Students on academic probation may participate in intramural athletics.

In addition, to remain eligible for a club sport, a first-year student must maintain a 1.50 cumulative grade-point average; a sophomore must maintain a 1.75 cumulative grade-point average; and a junior or senior a 2.00 cumulative grade-point average. 

To participate in intercollegiate athletics a student must be enrolled in 12 credits or more. Eligibility is retained during a student’s 8th semester provided the number of credits carried will enable the student to graduate at the end of the semester. (How­ever, students who register for fewer than 12 credits may jeopardize their financial aid.) Except for first semester, a first-year student must have passed 12 cred­­its of the previous semester’s work in which he or she was enrolled as a full-time student.

In addition, to remain eli­gible, a first-year student must maintain a 1.50 cumu­lative grade-point average, a sophomore must maintain a 1.75 cumula­tive grade-point average, and a junior or senior, a 2.00 cumulative grade-point average. To compete in the next season of a sport an athlete must have completed 24 credits for the second season, 48 credits for the third season and 72 credits for the fourth season. COVID-19 NOTATION: student athletes who were eligible for a COVID waiver during the spring season for 2019-20 academic year and/or all enrolled athletes during the 2020-21 academic year, 96 credits for the fifth season. Post baccalaureate/Graduate students must have a cumulative grade-point average of 2.00 or above to compete. Athletes adding or dropping classes should be aware of the impact this might have on eligibility.

Augustana College adheres to the philosophy of and is governed by the regulations of both the NCAA and the College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin.