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Credit Hour Policy

2025-26 Academic Catalog (edits in-progress)

Semester Credit Hour Policy Information and Syllabus Templates

In accordance with Department of Education guidance, Augustana defines a credit hour as the amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes (verified by evidence of student achievement) that reasonably approximates one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work per week. All courses are required to adhere to the course meetings times published in Arches and faculty should use published alternative days of learning in their teaching plans and syllabus. 

Credit Hour Templates per credit hour appear at the bottom of this page.

Non-credit-bearing laboratory sections:

Most laboratory courses include the lab component within the 4-credit course. However, some laboratory sections on campus are non-credit bearing but impact the grade of the co-requisite course. Student time spent in these laboratory sections will be factored into the out-of-class student work requirement of the co-requisite lecture section.

Independent Study

Independent Study is advanced critical study or research on a specific topic under the guidance of a faculty member in a department. Students may register for course 400 in the related academic department with the permission of the faculty member and the department chair. No more than 8 credits in independent and directed studies combined may be applied toward the Bachelor of Arts degree. In one semester, no more than 1 course of independent study and 1 course of directed study may be earned in a given department. In order to comply with Department of Education seat time regulations for credit hours, registration for IND/DIR should be made within regular enrollment periods for 14 week or 7 week courses as published on the Academic Calendar

Directed Study

Directed Study is study of a particular topic of interest under the direction of a faculty member. Students may register for courses 199, 299, 399 and 499 in departments that offer directed study. Permission is required from the department chair and the instructor. No more than 8 credits in independent and directed studies combined may be applied toward the Bachelor of Arts degree. In one semester, no more than 1 course of independent study and 1 course of directed study may be earned in a given department. In order to comply with Department of Education seat time regulations for credit hours, registration for IND/DIR should be made within regular enrollment periods for 14 week or 7 week courses as published on the Academic Calendar

Private Study

In exceptional cases, a student who is a graduation candidate and who critically needs a course may take a desired course through private study with an instructor. The student must petition the Committee on Advanced Standing and Degrees for final approval. The student is responsible for all fees above and beyond regular tuition. For information, students should consult their advisor, a faculty member and the Provost.

Music Lessons

The music department offers lessons for college credit in all orchestral and band instruments, piano, harpsichord, organ, guitar, voice, drum set, world hand drumming, conducting, composing and improvisation. Lessons are scheduled individually with the instructor.


A minimum of 40 on-site hours are required for any internship. Internships range from 0-12 credits and span varying time frames. While 40 on-site hours are required for a zero, .25 or 1 credit internship, additional credits require an additional 35- 40 hours of student work for each unit of credit awarded. Additional hours outside of the internship site are required to complete the required reflective component for successful completion of any internship.

Credit Hour Templates

4 credit courses: students are expected to be in class 750 minutes per credit earned (3000 minutes). They are expected to be engaged in 2 hours of outside-of-class activities for every hour they are in class, so approximately 100 hours.

MWF example:

In class activities: (75 minutes x 37 class days ) = 2775 minutes46.25 hours
Required readings and class preparation56 hours
Assignments and projects30 hours
Tests - preparation

16 hours
Final exam period

2 hours


150.25 hours

TTH example:

In class activities: (100 minutes x 28 class days ) = 2800 minutes46.67 hours
Required readings and class preparation56 hours
Assignments and projects30 hours
Tests - preparation

16 hours
Final exam period

2 hours


150.67 hours

4 days per week (language classes):

In class activities: (55 minutes x 53 class days ) = 2915 minutes48.58 hours
Required readings and class preparations54 hours
Assignments and projects30 hours
Tests – preparation16 hours
Final exam period2 hours
Total150.58 hours

J-term example:

In class activities: (180 minutes x 17 class days ) = 3060 minutes

(no additional exam period scheduled; final exams/presentation included in these class minutes)

51 hours
Required readings and class preparation34 hours
Assignments and projects50 hours
Tests – preparation15 hours
Total150 hours
In class activities: (100 minutes x 28 class days ) = 2800 minutes46.67 hours
Laboratory activities (12 lab periods x 110 minutes)22 hours
Required readings and class preparation50 hours
Assignments and projects15 hours
Tests – preparation15 hours
Final exam period2 hours
Total150.67 hours

2 credit class: Students are expected to be in class 750 minutes per credit earned. For a 2 credit class, this would be 1500 minutes. They are expected to be engaged in 2 hours of outside-of-class activities for every hour they are in class, so approximately 50 hours.

MWF example:

In class activities: (# minutes x # class days) =  1350-1425 minutes23 hours
Required readings and class preparation27 hours
Assignments and projects15 hours
Tests – preparation8 hours
Final exam period2 hours
Total75 hours

TTH example:

In class activities: (# minutes x # class days ) = 1300-1400 minutes23 hours
Required readings and class preparation27 hours
Assignments and projects15 hours
Tests – preparation8 hours
Final exam period2 hours
Total75 hours

1 credit class: Students are expected to be in class 750 minutes per credit earned. For a 1 credit class, this would be 750 minutes. They are expected to be engaged in 2 hours of outside-of-class activities for every hour they are in class, so approximately 25 hours.

MWF example:

In class activities: (# minutes x # class days) = 750 minutes12.5 hours
Required readings and class preparation12.5 hours
Assignments and projects10 hours
Tests – preparation & exam period2 hours
Total37 hours

TTH example:

In class activities: (# minutes x # class days ) = 750 minutes12.5 hours
Required readings and class preparation12.5 hours
Assignments and projects10 hours
Tests – preparation & exam period2 hours
Total37 hours

Note: Individual departments are responsible for implementing, enforcing, and including in their assessment process changes to the credit hour policy which impact their course offerings.  This includes retaining syllabi for all non-standard format courses and providing copies of these for review by the various accrediting bodies.

finalized by Semester Transition Working Group  2.27.19