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Academic Standing Policy

2025-26 Academic Catalog (edits in-progress)


Academic Standing review is performed for all degree-seeking students.  Student cumulative and term grade-point average (GPA) are reviewed at the end of fall and spring semester for students not enrolled in credit bearing courses during J-term, and at the end of J-term and spring semester for students enrolled in a credit bearing course during J-term to determine Academic Standing. Academic Standing classifications are defined below. While academic standing does not impact the ability of a non-degree-student to continue enrollment, it may impact satisfactory academic progress for financial aid eligibility. All courses completed while a student is at non-degree status will always count in the overall grade point average and may impact the ability to move to degree-seeking status. 

Good Standing. The C or 2.00 GPA is the mark of acceptable work and good standing.

Academic Probation (AP). Students are placed on Academic Probation under the following conditions: (1) if the term GPA is less than 2.0; (2) if the Augustana Cumulative GPA is below 2.00 but at or above the minimum required GPA for continued enrollment (see table below). Students on Academic Probation will be allowed to continue the following term provided they agree to the terms of their Academic Recovery Plan; however, students on academic probation are not permitted to participate in off-campus J-term courses or experiences.

Suspended for Academic Reasons (SAR). Students are Suspended for Academic Reasons if the Augustana Cumulative GPA is below the minimum required GPA for continued enrollment (see table below).  The student is suspended for the next 15-week semester and the phrase "Suspended for Academic Reasons" is included in the student's official college permanent record, which includes the official transcript. Students suspended after Fall semester may request to participate in J-term courses or activities through the appeal process. See the Academic Standing Appeal Process to appeal a suspension for academic reasons.

Dismissed for Academic Reasons (DAR). Students who re-enroll after being suspended for academic reasons are required to obtain a semester/J-term GPA of higher than 2.00 until their cumulative Augustana GPA is at or above 2.00.  Failure to achieve the higher than 2.00 GPA for any term prior to re-establishing a 2.00 cumulative GPA results in the student being Dismissed for Academic Reasons, which is permanent dismissal from the College. ”Dismissed for Academic Reasons” is included in the student's official college permanent record, which includes the official transcript. See the Academic Standing Appeal Process to appeal a dismissal for academic reasons.

Continued Academic Probation.  Students who re-enroll after being Suspended for Academic Reasons are placed on Continued Academic Probation and are required to obtain a semester/J-term GPA of higher than 2.00 until their cumulative Augustana GPA is at or above 2.00.

Minimum Grade-Point Averages (GPA) Required for Continued Enrollment*

Number of Credits CompletedMinimum GPA Required

*Academic standing for transfer students is determined by review of the Augustana cumulative GPA and the total number of earned credits posted to the Augustana transcript. The number of credits posted to the Augustana transcript includes credits transferred to Augustana. Half-time students will be expected to maintain the appropriate cumulative GPA for the number of credits completed.

**Credits Completed is defined as receiving one of the following grades: A, B, C, D, F, FA, NC, NR or P. Grades of audit (X), withdrawal (W), academic withdrawal (AW), incomplete (I), and missing (M) grades are not considered as credits completed. Course withdrawals are, however, considered in financial aid academic progress decisions (see Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Policy) and for registration limits per term and academic year (see Course load). Academic standing decisions are postponed until Incomplete grades are resolved and a letter grade has been issued. Students who do not meet the criteria for continued enrollment once a grade is assigned are required to withdraw from the institution at that time. Refunds are based on the withdrawal policy. Students may not graduate with Incomplete grades on their record.  

Readmission after Suspension. Students Suspended for Academic Reasons may apply for re-admission after demonstrating academic success at another accredited institution. To be eligible for re-admission students must: complete a minimum of six credits of pre-approved coursework; and successfully complete all attempted coursework to earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50. One-credit courses are not counted toward the six credit requirement. Students may not enroll concurrently at another institution and Augustana. Instructions on how to obtain course pre-approval and how to re-apply for admission are included in the Suspended for Academic Reasons letter. All courses must be completed and grades reported to Augustana College prior to re-enrollment. Students must reapply at least three weeks before the start of the semester. 

Academic Standing Appeal Process. Students Suspended for Academic Reasons or Dismissed for Academic Reasons may appeal their mandatory academic leave and request to continue their enrollment in the next 15-week semester. The appeal process, instructions, and deadline for receipt are included in the suspension or dismissal letter. All appeals must be made in writing. Student appeals should include explanations of significant extenuating circumstances or additional information relevant to the student’s academic performance and a compelling plan for academic improvement. Appeals are reviewed by a panel chaired by the Associate Dean, Director of Student Well-being and Resiliency and includes the Associate Vice President for Retention and Student Success, the Dean of Students or the Associate Dean of Students, the Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and the College Registrar. The Panel attempts to balance concern for the individual student against concerns for equity across the student body. Appeal decisions are final. When an appeal is granted, students are required to comply with the guidelines outlined by the Appeals Panel or the original mandatory academic leave will take effect. Students granted an appeal are not eligible to appeal subsequent suspension or dismissal.

Adopted by faculty 2019, language updated for clarity 8.25.22

Class repeats.  Any class that can be repeated for credit will count toward full-time or half-time status. See the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Policy and the Financial Aid Eligibility and Policies for financial aid policies regarding repeat coursework.

Maximum Time Frame to Complete Degree

For information on Financial Aid satisfactory progress toward a degree see the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Policy page.