Bold & Boundless idea 5-step process
How to effectively make the case for funding a B&B initiative
Do you have an idea that aligns with the Bold & Boundless strategic plan, but you don't quite know how to bring it to life?
At Augustana, we've always found ways to support strategic initiatives that align with our goals, often with a combination of funding sources.
The Implementation Council has received a number of ideas through executive sponsorship, plan development and Cabinet review – and has received the support, resources and funding to turn those ideas into reality.
Here's a simple 5-step process to guide you in developing a proposal that can be considered for review, support, resources and funding. Our history shows great ideas do get funded! Let's continue building that legacy by sharing ideas that make Augustana even stronger.

Step 1: Propose Your Bold & Boundless idea
Along with relevant stakeholders, start by shaping your idea in a way that aligns with the Bold & Boundless goals.
You can submit your idea through our online proposal form or the printable version. If you need help getting started, check out the list of leading questions within the forms to inspire your thinking.
Step 2: Gain an executive sponsor
Once your idea is ready, reach out to a senior leader on campus to help champion your proposal. An executive sponsor can support your idea by helping you refine it and consider important questions along the way. They'll also ensure your idea has the visibility it needs to move forward.
Step 3: Develop a formal plan
With your executive sponsor's guidance, put together a formal plan that includes projected costs, a timeline and the potential impact of your initiative. This step helps clarify how your idea will come to life and what it will take to get there.
Step 4: Submit your plan for consideration
After finalizing your plan, your executive sponsor will submit it to the Cabinet for review. This step allows campus leadership to see the full scope of your proposal and evaluate its alignment with our strategic goals.
Step 5: Work with Cabinet for funding options
Once your plan is approved, funding can be explored in partnership with the Cabinet and your executive sponsor. Funding may come from reallocation of resources, philanthropy or other sources. The goal is to secure the support needed to bring your idea to fruition.