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Get the most from your visit

Gerber Dining Center fall day

The best time for an individual visit is on a weekday while classes are in session. This allows you the most options for visiting classes, meeting faculty and sampling student life.

We highly recommend including an admissions interview. Typically scheduled during an individual visit after May 1 of a student's junior year, students meet one-on-one with an admissions counselor. Interviews are available Monday-Friday.

Great dates to come: art portfolio reviews in January and February; music auditions from September through March; theatre auditions in January, February and March.

For the best opportunities on campus we often suggest avoiding finals weeks and breaks. See our academic calendar for this year's schedule. Be sure to check our calendar for other special events you wouldn't want to miss.

Inclement weather

If it's raining or snowing, campus tours will continue. In case of lightning or severe weather, tours will not go out or will end as soon as the conditions begin. Proper precautions, such as a shortened tour, might be also be taken in the event of extreme temperatures.

In general, the college's operations will continue in all but the most severe weather.

Make your visit count

New York Times' tips

Augustana's Top 10 tips