We are excited to welcome the class of 2029 and our new transfer students to the Augustana community! The following activities are designed to help you become acquainted with the campus and your new classmates.
Welcome Week folders should be picked up between 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Aug. 29 in the Gerber Center, Gävle rooms.
We encourage your full participation in Welcome Week. The sessions, workshops and programs help you learn about the resources and services that support your success.
Schedule of events
Friday, Aug. 29
7 a.m.-noon: Residence hall check-in
Assigned residence hall
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.: Augustana Bookstore open hours
Brunner Theatre Center, lower level
Textbooks, apparel and supplies are available. The bookstore will also be open Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and Sunday, 1-3 p.m. It will be closed on Monday for Labor Day.
9 a.m.-noon: Welcome Week check-in and Resource Fair
Gerber Center, Gävle rooms 1 and 2
All students new to the college should pick up their Welcome Week folder, which outlines important program information.
10 a.m.-noon: Open houses (for students and family members who have not toured campus)
Various locations
The following buildings will be open: Thomas Tredway Library, Gerber Center, Hanson Hall of Science, Brunner Theatre Center, Carlsson-Evald Hall, Lindberg Center, Old Main, and Fryxell Geology Museum in the Swenson Hall of Geosciences. Check the campus map in your folder for locations or use the online map.
11-11:30 a.m.: Transfer student welcome
Olin Auditorium, lower level
This is the official beginning of our transfer students' experience as an Augustana Viking, designed specifically for those transferring from other institutions. The four-day program will provide opportunities to connect with other incoming students and returning students, and learn about opportunities and resources at Augustana.
11 a.m.-12:45 p.m.: Complimentary lunch
Gerber Center Dining Room
Students and their families are invited to dine as guests of the college.
1-1:30 p.m.: Opening convocation
Lower Quad
Students and their families will join President Andrea Talentino as she addresses the incoming students for the first time and welcomes them to the college. Seating is limited. Families may want to bring a blanket and sit in the grass.
1:30-1:45 p.m.: "The Short Goodbye"
Lower Quad
Students say farewell to their parents and families and begin to meet up with their peer groups.
2-2:45 p.m.: Parent advising meetings (parents only)
Various classrooms
Parents meet with their student’s faculty advisor. See back of student’s name tag for correct classroom location.
Parent and family participation in Welcome Week concludes after the parent advising meetings. We hope to see families back on campus for Homecoming and Family Weekend, Sept. 26-28.
3:30-3:45 p.m.: Your First Augie "A" Photo
Charles D. Lindberg Stadium
New students will gather together on the football field to take their first photo together in the shape of the Augustana “A”, creating their first A at Augie.
4-5:15 p.m.: "Getting the Most Out of College"
Centennial Hall
This program features Michael Miller, a nationally recognized speaker on college success. The presentation will focus on our first Community Principle (Purpose) and highlight important ways new students can get started on the right foot by taking action early.
5:30-6:45 p.m.: Dinner with peer group
Gerber Center Dining Hall
7-8 p.m.: Residence hall student meetings
Assigned residence hall floor
Students return to their residence hall for meetings with Residential Life staff. Please be at your residence hall lounge or designated area by 7 p.m.
7-8 p.m.: Commuter student meeting
Gerber Center, Gävle room 3
Commuter students will continue orientation with a panel of current Augustana commuter students.
8:30-9:30 p.m.: Social program
Centennial Hall
Details coming soon!
Saturday, Aug. 30
7:30-9 a.m.: Breakfast
Gerber Center Dining Room
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.: Augustana Bookstore open hours
Brunner Theatre Center, lower level
Textbooks, apparel and supplies are available. The bookstore will also be open Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., and Sunday, 1-3 p.m. It will be closed on Monday for Labor Day.
8:30-9:30 a.m.: Academic open houses
Various locations
Students may attend information sessions for special interests. Look for peer mentors directing students to these events, or ask your own peer mentor in advance about event locations.
10-11:15 a.m.: Diversity awareness program
Centennial Hall
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Box lunch with first-year/transfer advisor
Gerber Center, Gävle rooms
Pick up a box lunch, then each peer group will join its faculty advisor for a get-acquainted lunch and an introduction to the advising process. Individual appointments with your faculty advisor will be scheduled at this time.
12:45-5 p.m.: One-on-one advising meetings
Check with your peer mentor for location
Meet with your first-year/transfer advisor at your scheduled time.
1-4:30 p.m.: CultureFest
Lower Quad (Rain location: PepsiCo Rec Center)
1-3 p.m.: On-campus job fair
Olin, first floor
Interested in an on-campus job? Check out the on-campus job fair.
1-5 p.m. Choir auditions (all voice parts)
Bergendoff 137
All new and returning students are encouraged to sign up (in Bergendoff 137) for a short audition time. No preparation or previous experience is necessary. Auditions will last approximately five minutes and can be done between other Welcome Week activities.
Also feel free to use this time to finish unpacking, organize your room or rest.
5-7 p.m.: Picnic with the President
Gerber Center parking lot/Brew Patio
Join President Andrea Talentino as she welcomes Augustana's newest students to the college. The picnic will feature food, beverages, games and music.
8:30-10 p.m.: Social program
Sunday, Aug. 31
7:30-9 a.m.: Breakfast
Gerber Center Dining Room.
10-11 a.m.: Dining employee orientation
Gerber Center
Looking for a job on campus that has a flexible schedule and can get you started right away? If you would like to start on the schedule right away, contact the Dining Office. If you did not fill out your tax forms at orientation, please bring your original passport, birth certificate, or social security card, along with a picture ID.
11 a.m.-1:15 p.m.: Lunch
Gerber Center Dining Room
1-2 p.m.: "Sex Signals"
Centennial Hall
Peer groups #1-#24. Meet your peer group outside Centennial Hall at 12:45 p.m.
2:30-3:30 p.m.: "Sex Signals"
Centennial Hall
Peer groups #25-62. Meet your peer group outside Centennial Hall at 2:15 p.m.
4-6 p.m.: Augie Life 101
Various locations
Choose informational sessions that will help you find your place as an Augustana student! See the schedule in your folder for session names, descriptions and locations.
6-8 p.m.: Dinner with peer group
Gerber Center Dining Room
8 p.m.: Load buses for evening activities
Gerber Center
First-year and transfer students board buses for the Celebration Belle riverboat cruise for an evening out on the Mississippi River.
8-11 p.m.: Celebration Belle riverboat cruise for first-year and transfer students
Join your new classmates for music, dancing, comedy and complimentary refreshments on the Mississippi River. Buses transport students to the 800-passenger Celebration Belle riverboat in Moline starting at 8 p.m. Buses return to campus at 10:45-11 p.m.
Monday, Sept. 1
8-10 a.m. World language assessment - proctored
Olin 105
For students who need to take a proctored assessment for a world language placement. Check your email to see if this applies to you. The test will begin promptly at 8 a.m. and should take approximately 45 minutes.
9-10 a.m.: Breakfast
Gerber Center Dining Room
Noon-1:30 p.m.: Lunch
Gerber Center Dining Room
1:30-2:30 p.m.: Campus tour: Locating classrooms and important resources
Meet with your peer group at the location designated by your first-year or transfer mentor.
2:45-3:30 p.m.: "Our Campus: Our Community Principles"
Centennial Hall
This session will serve as the culmination of the Welcome Week program. Join Provost Dr. Dianna Shandy and Vice President and Dean of Students Dr. Wes Brooks as they highlight the importance of our student written Community Principles. In what has become a tradition, students will receive an Augustana pin as a symbol of joining the Augustana community.
5-7 p.m.: Dinner
Gerber Center Dining Room
5:30-7 p.m.: Theatre pizza mixer
Brunner Theatre Center
If you are interested in being in theatre productions, either onstage or behind the scenes, you are invited to this informational meeting and pizza party. This is a time for new theatre students to meet returning theatre students and faculty and to learn more about upcoming production opportunities.