The Reading/Writing Center (RWC), located in Gerber 423, provides all Augustana students the opportunity for one-on-one instruction and advice on their writing, reading and other academic skills.
Students may schedule appointments or feedback via email as they wish. We also take walk-ins as our schedule allows
- Appointments with peer or faculty tutors are 40 minutes long and are ideal for brainstorming and early-stage drafting, ready-related sessions, or just having a friendly conversation about all things reading/writing.
- Feedback via email is a good option for those who aren't available during RWC open hours or who would prefer to communicate via writing rather than face-to-face.
Request either type of session via Starfish. (Here are the instructions). If you have any trouble doing so, email readingwritingcenter@augustana.edu or call 309-794-8987 during open hours.
About the center
The Reading/Writing Center is staffed by three faculty members and more than two dozen peer tutors who conduct one-time or multiple sessions designed to promote academic self-confidence, skills and knowledge.
Current peer tutors represent more than 30 majors and minors. These students have been recommended by two faculty members, undergone a competitive hiring process and completed two classes on tutoring theory and practice.
Whether you are a first-year student or a senior, the center and its tutors are ready to help with:
- Advice on any stage of writing: getting started, drafting, revising, editing or proofreading
- Instruction on reading comprehension and strategies for reading complex texts
- Guidance on writing personal statements for graduate school or job placement
- Practice with English skills, if English is not your first language
- Reference books about writing
- A comfortable place to ask questions and share knowledge
For more information about the Reading/Writing Center, email learningcommons@augustana.edu.